This  still life sketch is of a somewhat short, stout pot, a hammer and a copper cylinder main body shape with a spout in the front center and  a cone at the cylinder’s top.  The way each item in this sketch is staggered and the way the pieces themselves are layered, give this piece a real  three - dimensional look and feel.  Which gives the illusion of a simulated texture.

     The shading lines are very bold and range in value.  They are especially noticeable on the pot, which makes it look like the pot is actually round due to the darker edges and  gradual lightness to the pot’s center.  As well as the strong dark  horizontal streaks  across the  body. 

     The various shapes sizes of the pieces use in this sketch help to give it some interest.  On the right side there is a large roundly stout object, and on the left there is a tall horizontally light, and slender object.  In the middle of these two broad and various pieces,  rests a hammer on the pot’s rim  to break up the stoutness and height difference of these two objects.  Like the pot, the hammer adds some curves in the lines of the shapes.  Especially in the hammers head and handle bar.   The various heights of this piece also give the piece interest as the eye moves up, down and horizontal. 

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