Overall I am satisfied with the way both of my block prints have turned out. I achieved my goal of symmetry and they are a unique piece to look at.  However, there are several things I would like to change about my prints.  The first being that in both prints it is evident that some of the layers did not overlap and whats left is a shifted layer of colors.  In both prints I would also have liked them better if the areas where I had previously carved out the designs was not evident.  I feel that in doing so these prints would have turned out much more clean and would leave both of these prints to look more sharp and less mucky.  The yellow print is byfar my favorite print of the two.  Each layer of colors is easily defined unlike the other one.  The orange and pink ink color choices are too close together making this print more difficult to see each layer and overall leaves this print to be more dark. The final thing I wish I had done too my block print when carving it would be to have added a border around the main squiggle.  This addition would have added some definition to the whole piece and also add some separation.

4/20/2012 12:45:06 pm

Fantastic job !


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