This is one of my first earltt attempts to draw myself in an abstracted off angle.  I feel that this rough draft is a poor representation of the actual photo.  The angles are all off as well as the proportionas are totally askew.  My head is too large for the rest of my body, it is as big as my hip. When in reality for this assignment, my face needs to be barel visible and quite miniscure. Also the my shoe is something i will really need to work on, it just doesnt appear right to the eye.  Overall, I believe this to be a decent primary attempt.  Also when I was drawing this i tried a new drawing technique for the first time.  I was standing up and looking at my picture upsidedown.  This was something I had never personally tried before but I fell it helped to teach me the importance of making long pencil marks with your arm, and not short stubby, scratchy marks with my wrist.

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