Why must I be so tortured? Why do i continue to hear your name? Hear your pains and sorrows when I have my own?  Ceaseless torture.  I remember no face.  Just of the emotions of what was and what could have bee.  Tomorrow is the day this all started.  My tears, my pain and longing.  Longing not for you or what you've become.  But of company. Tender company in the arms of a loved one.  Someone who holds your heart.  I loved you like the stars hold the moon.  A gravitational pull that will forever be strong.  Even when all fades and the story o us becomes legend.  Legend to fabel.  A tragic fabel of two star -crossed lovers.  They loved one another with every fiber of their being.  They gave it all they had.  And now what is left? One fair maden alon with her wihfull thoughts and a wounded soul unable to realize what he did.  Or just exactly what he lost.  The most precious gift one cn ever receive.  The unconditional love of another being.  One dwells now while the other is unphased.  Cold as stone, never to love the fair maiden again.  Blinded by what she believed to be bliss she loved him with all her heart.  Unknowing this was to be never returned.  All that wasted time and tears shed. For what? Perhaps the greatest adventure of her yound llife.  Soon the sun will rise on these dark days and fill her soul with juvial joy and light.  She will love again. Her heart will soar with the eagles.  Someday she will be greatful for her first love.  Bt, for now, she just waits dormant in her soul. Filled with remorse and torture until her knoght in shinking armour can bring her back into the light
You have stolen from me.  I think you know what it is you have taken; my heart.  A little piece shall forever be yours.  No matter how i try, I cannot will myself to ever forget you.  To forget all those memories.  But I can try.  Today I lay your picture to rest.  Tomorrow I shed my last tear for you.  The day after tomorrow, I stop thinking of you.  I look for you no more where ever I may go.  I think not of where you are.  And i never more dare to glance back.  Even if jusst for a minute to wonder where you may be.  For today is my day; not yours.  And I make it my own.  Today is the day i stand st